Thus, following the lead of my world-traveling compatriots, I have started a blog. For my friends and family that will eventually read this, I hope you enjoy my thoughts and observations.
I take heart in the thriving blogs of other newly-twentysomething-quasi-hipster-intellectuals such as myself, and hope to contribute my own pieces of wisdom as I travel the globe in my pursuit of wisdom, an understanding of international business relations, and cheaply-made tailored suits.
A year ago I would have never thought I'd be headed to the world's largest communist nation in an almost ironic attempt to learn about the workings of a capitalistic free-market economy. Of course, at that time I was still planning on majoring in music, which only convinced me that a life dedicated to music can leave you both syphilitic and insane.
So now, in an attempt to garner a respectable education in a respectable field which might yield a respectable income with which to purchase a respectable Aston Martin (and sans syphilis, I hope), I am off to study one of the largest growing economies in the history of the world.
Although, as we have all learned, even the most educated people can fail to be respectable.
Until next time,
sans syphilis . . . ha! good luck with that one. i have a little secret i kept from you that one time . . .
Dude, the Olympics are almost over. I know you have been training hard, but face it Matty, you aren't going to win in the weightlifting competition.
(and at least my hipster glasses are prescription)
welcome to the blogosphere, chad. The water's warm...
warm, and filled with sharks and obamasnobs and poorly constructed sentences (like mine).
i'm a little hurt that a link to my uber lame blog wasn't included in this :(
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